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         = Key Publication
2023 (1)
Riegler A. (2023) A Radical Afterthought: We Know Who the Students Are, but Who Will Be the Teachers? Constructivist Foundations 18(2): 348–350.
2022 (2)
Riegler A. & Bunnell P. (eds.) (2022) Humberto Maturana’s Impact on Science and Philosophy: A Plurality of Perspectives. Constructivist Foundations 18(1).
Bunnell P. & Riegler A. (2022) A Plurality of Perspectives: Maturana’s Impact on Science and Philosophy. Constructivist Foundations 18(1): 1–4.
2021 (2)
Valenzuela-Moguillansky C., Demšar E. & Riegler A. (eds.) (2021) The Enactive Scientific Study of Experience. Constructivist Foundations 16(2).
Valenzuela-Moguillansky C., Demšar E. & Riegler A. (2021) An introduction to the enactive scientific study of experience. Constructivist Foundations 16(2): 133–140.
2019 (2)
Georgeon O. L. & Riegler A. (2019) CASH only: Constitutive autonomy through motorsensory self-programming. Cognitive Systems Research 58: 366–374.
Riegler A. (2019) Publish or perish: Opportunities for constructivists. In: Hug T., Mitterer J. & Schorner M. (eds.) Radikaler Konstruktivismus – Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft Ernst von Glasersfeld (1917–2010). Innsbruck University Press, Innsbruck: 455–474.
2017 (8)
Vörös S. & Riegler A. (2017) A Plea for not Watering Down the Unseemly: Reconsidering Francisco Varela’s Contribution to Science. Constructivist Foundations 13(1): 1–10.
Riegler A. & Vörös S. (eds.) (2017) Missing the Woods for the Trees: Neglected Aspects of Francisco Varela’s Work. Constructivist Foundations 13(1).
Füllsack M. & Riegler A. (2017) Thinking in eigenbehaviors as a transdisciplinary approach. Constructivist Foundations 12(3): 239–245.
Riegler A. & Füllsack M. (eds.) (2017) Eigenbehavior. Constructivist Foundations 12(3).
Müller K. H., Umpleby S. A. & Riegler A. (2017) Possible futures for cybernetics. Riegler A., Müller K. H. & Umpleby S. A. (eds.) New horizons for second-order cybernetics. World Scientific, Singapore: 375–379.
Riegler A., Müller K. H. & Umpleby S. A. (eds.) (2017) New Horizons for Second-Order Cybernetics. World Scientific, Singapore.
Valenzuela-Moguillansky C., Vásquez-Rosati A. & Riegler A. (2017) Building a science of experience: Neurophenomenology and related disciplines. Constructivist Foundations 12(2): 131–138.
Valenzuela-Moguillansky C., Vásquez-Rosati A. & Riegler A. (eds.) (2017) Building a Science of Experience. Constructivist Foundations 12(2).
2016 (4)
Müller K. H. & Riegler A. (2016) Mapping the Varieties of Second-Order Cybernetics. Constructivist Foundations 11(3): 443–454.
Riegler A. & Müller K. H. (eds.) (2016) Varieties of Contemporary Second-Order Cybernetics. Constructivist Foundations 11(3).
Vörös S., Froese T. & Riegler A. (2016) Epistemological Odyssey: Introduction to Special Issue on the Diversity of Enactivism and Neurophenomenology. Constructivist Foundations 11(2): 189–204.
Froese T., Vörös S. & Riegler A. (eds.) (2016) Exploring the Diversity within Enactivism and Neurophenomenology. Constructivist Foundations 11(2).
2015 (2)
Riegler A. (2015) Knowledge and Belief: Some Clarifications. Special issue on “Belief systems in science and engineering,” edited by Josué Antonio Nescolarde-Selva, José Luis Usó-Doménech and Hugh Gash. Cybernetics & Systems 46(6–7): 484–509.
Riegler A. (2015) What does the future hold for radical constructivism? In: Raskin J. D., Bridges S. K. & Kahn J. S. (eds.) Studies in meaning 5: Perturbing the status quo in constructivist psychology. Pace University Press, New York: 64–90.
2014 (7)
Müller K. H. & Riegler A. (2014) Second-Order Science: A Vast and Largely Unexplored Science Frontier. Constructivist Foundations 10(1): 7–15.
Müller K. H. & Riegler A. (2014) A New Course of Action. Constructivist Foundations 10(1): 1–6.
Riegler A. & Müller K. H. (eds.) (2014) Second-Order Science. Constructivist Foundations 10(1).
Riegler A. & Steffe L. P. (2014) “What Is the Teacher Trying to Teach Students if They Are All Busy Constructing Their Own Private Worlds?”: Introduction to the Special Issue. Constructivist Foundations 9(3): 297–301.
Riegler A. & Steffe L. P. (eds.) (2014) Forty Years of Radical Constructivism in Educational Research. Special Issue. Constructivist Foundations 9(3).
Riegler A. (2014) Towards the consistent construction of nature. Special Issue on Ripensare la “natura”/ Rethinking “Nature” edited by Flavia Monceri, Teoria, 1/2014: 33–44.
Riegler A. (2014) Reality. In: Ruzzeddu M. (ed.) Keywords of systemic vision. Lambert, Saarbrücken: 205–217.
2013 (5)
Riegler A. (2013) Glasersfelds Gedankengut und seine Bedeutung. In: Hug T., Schorner M. & Mitterer J. (eds.) Ernst-von-Glasersfeld-Archiv. Eröffnung – Inauguration. Innsbruck University Press, Innsbruck, pp. 59–60.
Riegler A., Stewart J. & Ziemke T. (2013) Computation, cognition and constructivism: Introduction to the special issue. Constructivist Foundations 9(1): 1–6.
Riegler A. & Ziemke T. (eds.) (2013) Computational approaches to constructivism. Special Issue. Constructivist Foundations 9(1).
Riegler A. & Weber S. (2013) Non-dualism: A new understanding of language. Constructivist Foundations 8(2): 139–142.
Riegler A. & Weber S. (eds.) (2013) Non-dualism: A conceptual revision? Special Issue. Constructivist Foundations 8(2).
2012 (3)
Riegler A. & Scholl A. (2012) Niklas Luhmann and the Sociological Turn in Constructivism. Constructivist Foundations 8(1): 1–4.
Riegler A. & Scholl A. (eds.) (2012) Luhmann’s relation to and relevance for constructivist approaches. Constructivist Foundations 8(1).
Riegler A. (2012) Constructivism. In: L‘Abate L. (ed.) Paradigms in theory construction. Springer, New York, pp. 235–256.
2011 (5)
Bunnell P. & Riegler A. (2011) Maturana across the disciplines. Constructivist Foundations 6(3): 287–292.
Riegler A. & Bunnell P. (eds.) (2011) The work of Humberto Maturana and its application across the sciences. Special Issue, Constructivist Foundations 6(3).
Riegler A. & Gash H. (2011) Legacy of a great thinker. Constructivist Foundations 6(2): 135–137.
Gash H. & Riegler A. (eds.) (2011) Commemorative issue for Ernst von Glasersfeld. Constructivist Foundations 6(2).
Riegler A. (2011) Konstruierte Illusionen. Terry Winograd und Fernando Flores’ Understanding Computers and Cognition. In: Pörksen B. (ed.) Schlüsselwerke des Konstruktivismus. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden, pp. 270–286.
2010 (7)
Riegler A. & Quale A. (2010) Editorial: Can radical constructivism become a mainstream endeavor? Constructivist Foundations 6(1): 1–5.
Quale A. & Riegler A. (eds.) (2010) Can radical constructivism become a mainstream endeavor? Special issue. Constructivist Foundations 6(1).
Riegler A. & Weber S. (eds.) (2010) Die Dritte Philosophie. Kritische Beiträge zu Josef Mitterers Dualismuskritik. Velbrück Wissenschaft: Weilerswist.
Riegler A. (2010) Knowledge dynamics and (radical) constructivism. Research report, WISDOM: Vienna.
Riegler A. (2010) Wissensdynamiken, Evolution des Wissens, Wissenslandschaften und Wissensdriften. Research report, WISDOM: Vienna.
Riegler A. & Douven I. (2010) Extending the Hegselmann–Krause model II. In: Czarnecki T., Kijania-Placek K., Poller O. & Wolenski J. (eds.) The analytical way. College Publications: London, pp. 245–258.
Douven I. & Riegler A. (2010) Extending the Hegselmann-Krause model I. The Logic Journal of the IGPL 18(2): 323–335.
2009 (3)
Riegler A. & Douven I. (2009) Extending the Hegselmann–Krause model III: From single beliefs to complex belief states. Episteme 6(2): 145–163.
Riegler A. (2009) Die Konstruktion des Neuen. APA Zukunft Wissen. Special Feature “Innovating Innovation – wie kommt das Neue in die Welt?”.
Riegler A. (2009) The arrival of the fittest: Evolution of novelty from a cybernetic perspective. In: Wallis, S. E. (ed.) Cybernetics and systems theory in management: Tools, views and advancements. IGI Global, pp. 217–228.
2008 (5)
Riegler A. (2008) Natural or internal selection? The case of canalization in complex evolutionary systems. Artificial Life 14(3): 345–362.
Riegler A. (2008) Wirklichkeit. In: Farzin, S. & Jordan, S. (eds.) Lexikon Soziologie und Sozialtheorie. Hundert Grundbegriffe. Reclam: Stuttgart, pp. 322–324.
Riegler A. (2008) The paradox of autonomy: The interaction between humans and autonomous cognitive artifacts. In: Dodig-Crnkovic, G. & Stuart, S. (eds.) Computing, philosophy, and cognitive science. The nexus and the liminal. Cambridge Scholars Publishing: Cambridge, pp. 292–301.
Riegler A. & Weber S. (eds.) (2008) The non-dualizing philosophy of Josef Mitterer. Special issue, Constructivist Foundations 3(3).
Riegler A. & Weber S. (2008) Non-dualizing from now on? Constructivist Foundations 3(3): 120–122.
2007 (7)
Glanville R. & Riegler A. (eds.) (2007) Festschrift for Ernst von Glasersfeld at the occasion of his 90th birthday. Constructivist Foundations 2(2–3). Enlarged edition reprinted as: Glanville, R. & Riegler, A. (eds.) The importance of being Ernst. Echoraum: Vienna.
Glanville R. & Riegler A. (2007) Ninety years of constructing. Constructivist Foundations 2 (2–3): 2–4.
Riegler A. (2007) Is Glasersfeld’s constructivism a dangerous intellectual tendency? In: Glanville R. & Riegler A. (eds.) The importance of being Ernst. Echoraum: Vienna, pp. 263–275.
Riegler A. (2007) Superstition in the machine. In: Butz, M. V. et al. (eds.) Anticipatory behavior in adaptive learning systems: From brains to individual and social behavior. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. Springer: New York, pp. 57–72.
Riegler A. (2007) The radical constructivist dynamics of cognition. In: Wallace, B. (ed.) The Mind, the Body and the World: Psychology After Cognitivism? Imprint: London, pp. 91–115.
Riegler A. (2007) The impact of the interdisciplinary radical constructivist framework on cognitive research. In: Vanchevsky, M. A. (ed.) Focus on cognitive psychology research. Nova Science Publishers: Hauppauge, NY, pp. 153–170.
Riegler A. (2007) The goose, the fly, and the submarine navigator: The case for interdisciplinarity in artificial cognition research. In: Loula, A., Gudwin, R. & Queiroz, J. (eds.) Artificial cognition systems. Idea Group Publishing: Hershey, PA, pp. 1–26. Reprinted in: Sugumaran, V. (ed.) (2008) Intelligent information technologies, pp. 1636–1657.
2006 (1)
Riegler A. (2006) Is a closed-loop discovery system feasible? In: Magnani, L. (ed.) Computing and philosophy. Associated International Academic Publishers: Pavia, pp. 141–149.
2005 (11)
Riegler A. (2005) The constructivist challenge. Constructivist Foundations 1(1): 1–8.
Riegler A. (2005) Constructive memory. Kybernetes 34 (1/2): 89–104.
Riegler A. (2005) Cognitive systems do not pick up knowledge from the environment. In: Russell, A. et al. (eds.) Proceedings of AMKLC’05. International symposium on adaptive models of knowledge, language and cognition. Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, Finland, pp. 1–7.
Riegler A. (2005) Act always so as to increase the number of scientific perspectives. Introduction to the Heinz von Foerster volume. Kybernetes 34 (1/2): 6–14.
Riegler A. (2005) Like cats and dogs: Radical constructivism and evolutionary epistemology. In: Evolutionary epistemology, language and culture: A non-adaptationist, systems theoretical approach. Springer-Verlag: Dordrecht, pp.47–65.
Riegler A. (2005) Konstruierte oder konstruierende Seele? Gedanken zum Seelebegriff aus kognitiv-konstruktivistischer Perspektive. In: Peschl, F. (ed.) Die Rolle der Seele in der Kognitionswissenschaft und der Neurowissenschaft. Auf der Suche nach dem Substrat der Seele. Königshausen und Neumann: Würzburg, pp. 215–230.
Riegler A. (2005) Inclusive worldviews: Interdisciplinary research from a radical constructivist perspective. In: Aerts, D., D’Hooghe, B. & Note, N. (eds.) Worldviews, science and us: Redemarcating knowledge and its social and ethical implications. World Scientific: Singapore, pp. 20–37.
Riegler A. (2005) Levels of scientific understanding. In: de Regt H. W., Eigner K. & Leonelli S. (eds.) Proceedings of the conference Philosophical Perspectives on Scientific Understanding, published by Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, pp. 41–42.
Riegler A. (2005) Der Radikale Konstruktivismus als historistische Netzwerktheorie. In: Stadler, F. & Stöltner, M. (eds.) Proceedings of the 28th International Wittgenstein Symposium.
Riegler A. (2005) Decision-making and anticipations: Why Buridani’s ass is an unlikely creature. In: Smit, I., Wallach, W. & Lasker, G. E. (eds.) Cognitive, emotive and ethical aspects of decision making in humans and in AI. Volume IV. Windsor, Canada: The International Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics, pp. 35–40.
Riegler A. (ed.) (2005) Heinz von Foerster. Double special issue of Kybernetes 34(1/2).
2004 (3)
Riegler A. (2004) Turing’s choice: Human and artificial volition. First global conference “Artificial intelligence: Exploring critical issues” in Vienna, Austria, 20–22 October 2003.
Riegler A. & Pajeva D. A. (2004) The phenomenological-constructivist approach to interdisciplinary inquiry. In: Milutinovic, V. (ed.) International conference on advances in internet, processing, systems, and interdisciplinary research. CD-ROM publication.
Aerts D., Broekaert J., D'Hooghe B., Gabora L., Note N. & Riegler A. (2004) Research evaluation 2003/2004, Philosophy & Letters. Report of the research in CLEA for the years 1997-2002 for the Research Council of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
2003 (2)
Riegler A. (2003) Whose anticipations? In: Butz, M., Sigaud, O., and Gerard, P. (eds) Anticipatory behavior in adaptive learning systems: Foundations, theories, and systems. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. Springer-Verlag: Dordrecht, pp. 11–22.
Riegler A. (2003) Memory ain’t no fridge: A constructivist interpretation of constructive memory. In: Kokinov, B. and Hirst, W. (eds) Constructive memory. NBU Series in Cognitive Science: Sofia, pp. 277–289.
2002 (2)
Riegler A. (2002) When is a cognitive system embodied? Cognitive Systems Research, special issue on “Situated and Embodied Cognition” 3:339–348.
Riegler A. (2002) A better world? Karl Jaspers Forum: An electronic journal for target articles TA40 C4.
2001 (9)
Riegler A. (ed.) (2001) The impact of radical constructivism on science. Part 2: Physics, reasoning and learning. Special issue of Foundations of Science 6(4).
Riegler A. (ed.) (2001) The impact of radical constructivism on science. Part 1: The Paradigm, biology and cognition. Special issue of Foundations of Science 6(1–3).
Riegler A. (2001) Towards a radical constructivist understanding of science. Foundations of Science, special issue on “The Impact of Radical Constructivism on Science” 6(1–3): 1–30.
Peschl M. F. & Riegler A. (2001) Virtual science: Virtuality and knowledge acquisition in science and cognition. In: Riegler A. et al. (eds.) Virtual reality. Peter Lang Verlag: Frankfurt/M., pp. 9–32.
Riegler A. (2001) The role of anticipation in cognition. In: Dubois, D. M. (ed.) Computing anticipatory systems. Proceedings of the American Institute of Physics 573, pp. 534–541.
Broecker M. & Riegler A. (eds.) (2001) Human becoming – becoming human. Festschrift for Heinz von Foerster. Internet publication. http://www.univie.ac.at/constructivism/HvF/festschrift/.
Riegler A., Peschl M. F., Edlinger K., Fleck Günther & Feigl W. (eds.) (2001) Virtual reality: Cognitive foundations, technological issues & philosophical implications. Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main.
Riegler A. (2001) Können wir das Problem der Echtzeitkognition lösen? In: Edlinger K., Feigl W. & Fleck G. (eds) Reduktion – Spiel – Kreation. Probleme des molekularbiologischen Reduktionismus und des Künstlichen Lebens. Frankfurt am MaIn: Peter Lang, pp. 48–59.
Riegler A. (2001) The cognitive ratchet. The ratchet effect as a fundamental principle in evolution and cognition. Cybernetics and Systems 32 (3–4): 411–427.
2000 (2)
Riegler A. (2000) Asymmetry of behavior and evolution. In: Trappl, R. (ed) Cybernetics and systems 2000. Proceedings of the 15th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research (EMCSR-2000). Vienna: Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies, pp. 211–214.
Riegler A. (2000) Moving on with constructivism. Karl Jaspers Forum: An electronic journal for target articles TA24 C15.
1999 (4)
Heylighen F., Bollen J. & Riegler A. (eds.) (1999) The evolution of complexity. Kluwer, Dordrecht.
Peschl M. F. & Riegler A. (1999) Does representation need reality? In: Riegler A., Peschl M. F. & Stein A. von (eds.) (1999) Understanding representation in the cognitive sciences. Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers: New York, pp. 9–17.
Riegler A. (1999) Kybernetik, Artificial Life und andere merkwürdige Wissenschaften. Magazin Sacré Coeur Pressbaum 36: 16.
Riegler A., Peschl M. F. & Stein A. von (eds.) (1999) Understanding representation in the cognitive sciences. Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers: New York.
1992–1998 (7)
Riegler A. (1998) The end of science: Can we overcome cognitive limitations? Evolution & Cognition 4(1): 37–50.
Riegler A. (1997) Ein kybernetisch-konstruktivistisches Modell der Kognition. In: Müller, A, Müller, K. H. & Stadler, F. (eds.) Konstruktivismus und Kognitionswissenschaft. Kulturelle Wurzeln und Ergebnisse. Springer: Wien, New York, pp. 75–88.
Riegler A. (1996) A cognitive architecture based on Piagetian and radical constructivism. In: Schachner, W. (ed.) Constructivism, interactionism and their applications. Symposium proceedings at the conference “The growing mind: Multidisciplinary approaches” in Geneva, Switzerland, 14–18 September 1996.
Riegler A. (1995) CALM – Eine konstruktivistische Kognitionsarchitektur für Artificial Life. In: Dautenhahn, K. et al. (eds.) Proceedings of the workshop “Artificial Life”, 12–13 October 1995 in Sankt Augustin, Germany. GMD Studien No. 271, pp. 73–82.
Riegler A. (1994) Fuzzy interval stack schemata for sensorimotor beings. In: Gaussier, P. & Nicoud, J.-D. (eds.) Proceedings of the conference “From perception to action” (PerAc94). IEEE Computer Society Press: Los Alamitos, pp. 392–395.
Riegler A. (1994) Constructivist artificial life: The constructivist-anticipatory principle and functional coupling. In: Hopf, J. (ed.) Proceedings of the 18th German conference on artificial intelligence (KI-94). Workshop on genetic algorithms within the framework of evolutionary computation. Max-Planck-Institute Report No. MPI-I-94–241, pp. 73–83.
Riegler A. (1992) Constructivist artificial life, and beyond. In: McMullin, B. (ed.) Proceedings of the workshop on “Autopoiesis and Perception”, Dublin City University, 25–26 August 1992. Dublin City University: Dublin, pp. 121–136.